.Net (C#, Threading, ASP.Net, MVC, MVC4 Web Api etc) Multiple Choice Questions

This post contains multiple choice questions from amongst all the important technologies running on top of .Net framework. If you go through all these questions and try answering them, then you will surely get a very good insite of all these technologies. 
Please note that this list will contain very selective (but conceptual) questions and will be ever evolving.


1.     There is an ASP.net Textbox and a Button next to each other on a Web page. User types his name in the textbox and submits the button. Which of the below holds true:
a.     The textbox retains the name written in it always.
b.     The textbox retains the name written in it if the ViewState of Textbox is enabled but of Web Page is disabled.
c.     The textbox retains the name written in it if the ViewState of the Web page is enabled but of Textbox is disabled.
d.     The textbox retains the name written in it if the ViewState of both the web page and the Textbox  is enabled.

2.      The Session_End event in Global.asax.cs is fired in which of the below cases:
a.      In Proc session state only.
b.      Out Proc session state only.
c.      Both In Proc and Out Proc session state.
d.      None of the above.

3.     Below given are four routes for an ASP.net MVC application. If we have to use all of the below routes in our application, specify the order in which you will write them in Global.asax.cs file:
i.  routes.MapRoute(
   new { controller = "Account", action = "LogOn", id =   UrlParameter.Optional }
ii. routes.MapRoute(
   new { controller = "Account", action = "LogOn", id =   UrlParameter.Optional }
iii. routes.MapRoute(
   new { controller = "Account", action = "LogOn", id =   UrlParameter.Optional }
iv.  routes.MapRoute(
   new { controller = "Account", action = "LogOn", id =   UrlParameter.Optional }
a.      i, ii, iii, iv
b.      iv, iii, ii, i
c.       iii, ii, i, iv
d.      ii, iv, i, iii

4.      Pick the incorrect name for a Http Get request handler in an ASP.net MVC4 Web Api:
a.      getEmployee
b.      GetEmployee
c.      Both a and b.
d.      None of the above.

5.      Action methods in a controller should be:
a.      Either of public and protected or private
b.      Either of public and private.
c.      Either of protected and private.
d.      Public only.
